18 Endeavor, Suite 200, Irvine, CA

Why do I have this shadow sunken on my cheekbone and how to remove it?

Cosmetic Treatments QuestionsCategory: Injectable FillersWhy do I have this shadow sunken on my cheekbone and how to remove it?
A patient asked 4 years ago
Why do I have this shadow sunken on my cheekbone and how to remove it? When I'm going into the side it's very visible.
1 Answers
Dr. Elham Jafari Staff answered 4 years ago

Sunken Area in the Cheeks

  Hi and thank you for your question! Based on the picture you appear to have some volume loss in the cheeks and areas adjacent to the cheeks, so I recommend that you do a consultation with an experienced cosmetic doctor for accurate evaluation and possible treatment with fillers to restore the volume loss. I hope this helps and good luck!  
IMPORTANT: These answers are for educational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for medical advice you may receive from your physician. If you have a medical emergency, please call 911. These answers do not constitute or initiate a patient/doctor relationship.