18 Endeavor, Suite 200, Irvine, CA

Broken capillaries after cystic acne on chin and around mouth. Need recommendations for IPL treatments and effective creams/oils

Cosmetic Treatments QuestionsCategory: IPLBroken capillaries after cystic acne on chin and around mouth. Need recommendations for IPL treatments and effective creams/oils
A patient asked 8 years ago
I have very fair, sensitive skin. I recently broke out in two cystic pimples on my chin and by my mouth and I have quite large red circles where they once were. I know these marks are broken capillaries. I am wondering how long I need to wait until I get IPL treatment. My skin is very very sensitive and last time I got IPL, the treatment broke the surface of tiny areas on my skin (Is this normal?) Also, looking for effective creams or oils that will help and speed up the process.
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1 Answers
Dr. Elham Jafari Staff answered 8 years ago

IPL Treatment for Acne

  Hi and thank you for sharing your question! IPL can be a good treatment for Rosacea and pigmentation specially in people with fair skin. It can temporarily dry out the acne. However, IPL is not generally preventive for acne break-outs and it is advised that you seek medical treatment for long-term control and prevention for your acne. I hope it helps and thanks!  
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