Just about a year ago I got BBL 5 months after I started getting a lot of cellulite on my butt. The problem is I do not want to burn any of the fat that was added. Any treatments I can do? Please help!
Hi and thank you for your question! To answer it, we should remember what the root cause of cellulite is - it's a combination of excessive fat and broken collagen strands that normally keep the fat in place but once broken, let it move out of place causing cellulite. At my office we regularly use Venus Freeze and we have seen good results. Venus Freeze does a good job stimulating new collagen and tightening the skin, as well as melting the excessive fat. So you will loose a bit of fat, but it's mostly from the misplaced fat that is emerging as cellulite and hence it shouldn't negatively affect the whole shape of the treated area. I hope it helps and good luck!
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