18 Endeavor, Suite 200, Irvine, CA

38 years old female, bulgy veins on the back of my both hands. Options?

Cosmetic Treatments QuestionsCategory: Hand Rejuvenation38 years old female, bulgy veins on the back of my both hands. Options?
A patient asked 7 years ago
38 years old female, bulgy veins on the back of my both hands. The veins are normal and healthy veins but just look ugly especially in summer. I am skinny and I don't have fat to hide the veins. Sclerotherapy sounds risky as the chemical may cause blood clot, filler is expensive since I need to repeat it every year. Are there any other options?
1 Answers
Dr. Elham Jafari Staff answered 7 years ago

Options for Hand Rejuvenation

  Hi and thank you for your question! Based on the pictures you seem to be a good candidate for hand rejuvenation using fillers. The fillers will restore the volume in back of your hand and it will help to make the veins and tendons significantly less noticeable. You can use longer lasting fillers such as Radiesse which will reduce the number of treatments needed and help with keeping the costs low over long time. The other option is to do fat transfer. I hope it helps and good luck!
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