18 Endeavor, Suite 200, Irvine, CA

Can I still improve my acne scarring after lower facelift?

Cosmetic Treatments QuestionsCategory: Acne Scars TreatmentCan I still improve my acne scarring after lower facelift?
A patient asked 5 years ago
I went back to my surgeon who really saved my face with subsicion a decade ago. He touched my skin and said it's hard. I had a lower facelift and I thought I was going to be able to improve my acne scarring. He said there is not enough indent to do it. Can a doctor tell me which other way I can improve my scars without using artificial fillers? The only fillers I have had have been fat transfer and subsicion
1 Answers
Dr. Elham Jafari Staff answered 5 years ago

Treatment options for acne scarring

  Hi and thank you for your question! Based on the pictures while you can achieve some improvements by a series of fractional CO2 laser treatments, some spot treatments with fillers are still recommended. If you are averse to artificial fillers, we can use hyaluronic acid-based fillers as well and as you know, hyaluronic acid is a natural component of skin so it's might be an option for you to consider. I hope it helps and good luck!  
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