18 Endeavor, Suite 200, Irvine, CA

I had my lips injected today with Juvederm and am wondering if appearance is due to swelling?

Cosmetic Treatments QuestionsCategory: JuvedermI had my lips injected today with Juvederm and am wondering if appearance is due to swelling?
A patient asked 11 years ago
I had my lips injected today with juvederm and am wondering if appearance is due to swelling. My lower lip in the corner area on one side is fuller than the other side. I don't know if this could be just swelling or if perhaps I was injected with too much too far into the corner. My question is within 8 hrs after injections would I have a good picture of evenness of my lips or due to swelling is it hard to tell. Thank you.
1 Answers
Dr. Elham Jafari Staff answered 8 years ago

Juvederm Injection in Lips

  Hi and thank you for your question! Swelling is very common following filler injection and it might take up to two weeks for it to fully resolved, so if you just had the filler injected today, what you see is most likely swelling and you need to wait for two weeks to be able to judge the final look. I hope it helps and good luck!  
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