18 Endeavor, Suite 200, Irvine, CA

Would it be better to get a facelift surgery or liquid facelift to achieve my goal look?

Cosmetic Treatments QuestionsCategory: Liquid FaceliftWould it be better to get a facelift surgery or liquid facelift to achieve my goal look?
A patient asked 7 years ago
I want my face to be puffy(not in bad way but as in youthful) and round like the model. The other picture I edited thinking where I might be needing to have surgery or liquid lift in order to achieve round and puffy face. How much product would I need for liquid and which filler is most intense+last longest? How much would it cost for me? I know I need to consult in person but I don’t have access to right now. Around and about would work for me$ Thank you
1 Answers
Dr. Elham Jafari Staff answered 7 years ago

Liquid Facelift vs. Surgical Facelift

  Hi and thank you for your question! I agree with my colleagues here that your best approach is Liquid Facelift and you are not a candidate for surgery. Please note that Liquid Facelift and surgical Facelift really address different issues and in most patients it's not about choosing one over the other. Surgery is great for lifting the skin while it doesn't help with volume loss, so these are not really competing treatments. In your case, I highly recommend a whole-face approach instead of just focusing on the lower face. We have excellent fillers including long-lasting ones that can be used to help you achieve the look you want. The cost will vary depending on the amount and type of fillers and it can only be determined after doing an in-person consultation and examination, but it typically starts from 1-2 thousand dollars. I hope it help and good luck!
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