18 Endeavor, Suite 200, Irvine, CA

How can I make Restylane Lyft injections in my cheeks more tolerable? I had to stop in the midst of my first treatment

Cosmetic Treatments QuestionsCategory: Restylane LyftHow can I make Restylane Lyft injections in my cheeks more tolerable? I had to stop in the midst of my first treatment
A patient asked 8 years ago
She was going to inject it along my cheeks but I couldn't finish. As soon as I felt her hit the bone with the needle I felt very warm and uncomfortable and thought I might faint. They are saving the remainder for me and I really don't want to be out $600 for nothing! Has anyone had a similar experience? Does anyone have any tips for getting through these injections? She told me that I can take Tylenol next time but I can't imagine that making such a huge improvement.
1 Answers
Dr. Elham Jafari Staff answered 8 years ago

Making Filler Injetion Less Uncomfortable

  Hi and thank you for your question! There are various options to reduce the discomfort associated with filler injection such as proper numbing, applying ice, use of vibration, etc. I also recommend using flexible micro-cannula for injection of fillers whenever possible to significantly reduce the pain and discomfort (as well as swelling and risk of complications). I hope it helps and good luck!
IMPORTANT: These answers are for educational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for medical advice you may receive from your physician. If you have a medical emergency, please call 911. These answers do not constitute or initiate a patient/doctor relationship.