18 Endeavor, Suite 200, Irvine, CA

Is an injection of Juvederm Vollure filler the best option for scars on my nose from basal cell mohs surgery?

Cosmetic Treatments QuestionsCategory: VollureIs an injection of Juvederm Vollure filler the best option for scars on my nose from basal cell mohs surgery?
A patient asked 6 years ago
Several years ago I had mohs surgery for two basal cells on my nose (see picture). My plastic surgeon suggested using Juvederm Vollure as a filler to inject into the scars. I am very self conscious about the scars since they are quite visible as they are in the middle of my nose. Is this the best procedure to correct the indention and scarring?
1 Answers
Dr. Elham Jafari Staff answered 4 years ago
Filler Injection for Nose Scarring Hi and thank you for your question! We can do filler injection to reduce the appearance of the scars on your nose. The choice of filler should be determined by the injector in discussion with the patient as there are a number of options but I usually prefer Juvederm Voluma for these types of scars. I hope it helps and good luck! Play Video https://www.amoderm.com/cosmedical-services/non-surgical-nose-job/  
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